Application & Lottery Setup

Application & Lottery: Programs, Setting Advanced Lottery Options (Lotteries with different rules)

Setting up the specifics for how you want your lottery to run. This can include individual "Programs", Pre-Qualifications, Limits, Filters

Schools have the option of setting up a single Lottery, or setting up Programs. Programs can equate to sites, school, learning centers, educational programs, etc. 

Lottery Settings let the user control how the lottery chooses Winners, Non-Winners, or Waitlists students

Table of Contents

Navigation: Admin > Application & Lottery > Lottery Settings

Decide if you are running a Single Lottery, or if you have a need to break into "Programs"

Examples of Programs:

  • Different Sites/Learning Centers
  • Different Schools
  • Different criteria based on a gradelevel, location, or other defined data from the Enrollment Interest Form

Lottery Settings:

Use the underlined (hyperlink) to jump to that specific section of the article for more details

  • Number of Available Spots: This is the total number of seats you have available for this specific lottery
  • Combined Adminssion: If checked, siblings of a student who wins in the lottery will be automatically admited (Accepted). However if the number of seats is exceeded, then none (including the initial sibling) will win
  • Waitlist: If checked, students will be placed on the waitlist if they do not win this lottery
  • Pre- Qualification Filters: Set criteria for who is Auto-Admitted (auto-win), and who is given extra "tickets" during the lottery run. 
  • Limits: These can be used to limit how many seats (of the number of available spots) can go to students based on criteria
    • Example: Of the 4 available seats if you only have room for one 9th grader, then you can use Limits to ensure that only one 9th grader is chosen
  • Filters: These filter out students as Non-Winners based on criteria
    • Example: when you select all of your students, if this lottery cannot include anyone below the 9th grade, you can use a "Filter" to only look at those 9-12th grade.
  • Advanced Options: this section applies to Programs


Pre- Qualification Filters:

  • Click "Add Pre-Qualification"
  • Use the Field dropdown to select a question from your Enrollment Interest Form
  • Use the Value dropdown to select which value you want to reference 
  • Use the Pre-Qualification Type to select whether the value on the student would auto-admit them (up to the seats available) or if they will earn extra tickets for the value (weighted)

Pre-Qualification will have to be reviewed and Approved on the Manage Pre-Qualification Requests page


  • Click "Add Limit"
  • Choose a data field that you want to limit the number of available seats
  • Value to Limit- this is the answer for that question. In the example here I am limiting 10th graders to 2 seats
  • Limit- the number of seats, or you can do this by Percentage
  • Click Save

You can enter as many limits as needed.  Keep in mind the total number of seats available. A single limit should not exceed the total number of seats

Combined Admission:

Navigation: Admin > Application & Lottery > Lottery Settings

  • If enabled, siblings of a student who wins the lottery will automatically be admitted (Accepted).
  • However, if there are not enough available seats for all siblings, then none (including the initially selected student) will win.
  • Schools can either choose to enable this setting to ensure families are kept together or maintain the default behavior of selecting students individually, regardless of sibling status.

This update ensures that if a student is selected, they will only be admitted if there is space to accommodate all siblings, preventing situations where one sibling gains admission while another is left out.

Example Scenario

  • A school has 5 seats available in a lottery.
  • A student applies with two siblings (totaling 3 students).
  • If Combined Admission is enabled, and there are only two open seats, none of the three siblings will be selected since all cannot be admitted together.
  • If Combined Admission is disabled, the student may still win individually, even if the siblings do not.


  • Click "Add Filter"
  • Choose a field (these are questions from your Enrollment Interest Form)
  • Choose an Operator
  • Choose  a value

In this example I want the lottery to only run on those where the "City" question has an answer of "Portola" for a student. All others will be "Non-Winners" or Waitlisted based on your settings for Waitlist.

Advanced Options: Programs

Schools with different site locations or different programs within a single school may find this option helpful.  You can create Programs which will contain their own unique set of Lottery Settings.  This makes it easy when managing multiple locations to select the students and run the lottery specific for that location. 

  • Expand "Advanced Options"
  • Click Manage Programs

Every school starts with a "Default", but you can use the "Create Program" to create a new Lottery setting (site, program, etc)

  • Click "Create Program"
  • Add a name, click Save
  • Click Edit for that new program to define the lottery settings for that specific program

Running a Lottery using Programs

  • Filter your students on the Enrollment Interest Review
  • Select your students using the checkboxes next to their names
  • Click "Run Lottery"

  • Name your lottery
  • If using Ranked Choice where students who filled out the enrollment interest form ranked the programs in order of choice for them you can check the box for "Only Include applicants in Programs where they've ranked"
  • Limit the number of Lotteries applicants can win: Choose this if running multiple programs at the same time. Prevents a student from winning in multiple lotteries

  • Choose your programs
    • Recommended if not using ranked choice, that schools run each program separately.  When choosing students, filter the search for the criteria that would correspond to the program
    • For example: If using programs to represent different sites, use your filter options on the Enrollment Interest Review to only pull in students for this lottery who applied to that site.
  • Click "Run Lottery for Selected Programs"


Next up... Lottery Results and messaging!