Archiving Master Agreements

Master Agreements: Archiving


Go to Teachers > PLS/Student Roster

 Click Arrow next to Student Roster

Click on the arrow icon to expand the student’s record

*If their name is highlighted in blue(see below)that typically identifies the student as a pre-enroll. Once the student has an active enrollment,that will change the highlighted color to green.


Click Reports Tab

Click Master Agreements


*When creating a master agreement for the first time or if the student has multiple enrollments within the filtered date range,you will see the following warning message. This is purely a warning  and may be removed by clicking on the red x. 

 Filters section will default, you can adjust the filters as needed 


Preview the Dialogue Box

*You can edit and customize the title of the new master agreement instance

Select Report Version: Choose what MA you desire to Use ( if your school has more than 1 MA on file)

Choose the:

Report Type

Select Report Version

*All required fields must be input prior to saving master agreement. 


Click Save Master Agreement

* If the student already has a signed and accepted Master Agreement for the date range specified, you’ll receive a warning message. This is a warning that may be bypassed if desired. If you wish to proceed you can click the Continue button to move past notification or Cancel to return to the PLS Roster.



Important Information: About what to preview prior to clicking Save

1. If School Default Settings have been set for the Master Agreement, only highlighted fields in green can be edited. If you wish to copy master agreement settings from the most recent master agreement document, click COPY from most recent Master Agreement tab

  • If a save is attempted prior to a required field being input, you will receive a warning to return to the master agreement settings page and input missing field.

    The Master Agreement document will open in a web version with signature boxes. If a student and parent are not available to sign the document on your computer at the time of creation, you can email one or both an invitation to sign.


If all goes well no errors this is the screen you will see once you click save

Click Save Settings to Save any changes/updates/dates from the settings page

Click Archive (to capture digital signatures) or Print to produce a PDF to gather "wet" signatures

The next screen will display the Master Agreement to enter signature invites:

For each signature you need to gather-

  1. Click in the "Invite Email Address" box (to invite them to sign virtually) Then click on the email address displayed below it. If no email address, or not the one you are looking for, you can enter the email manually into the Invite Email Address field.

Or, to sign the document right then and there-

   2.  Click in the box that says "Teacher Sign Here" and begin to sign. Click the eraser tool in the right hand corner to redo your signature.  Then type your name in the "Teacher Name" field.

  • If the student and/or parent are right there with you, they can also sign the same way as the teacher field, just in their respective signature boxes. 

E-Signature Feature: Some schools enable an "E-Signature" policy allowing a digital representation of the signature. This is a checkbox that would show only for the user who is logged in. They can type their name in the "name" field and use the box for E-Sign. It will produce a very nice signature in the box. 

Use Other Staff signature boxes to invite additional staff that might need to sign the Master Agreement. For example, SPED or Counseling Oversight Staff Members. 

You may invite by email or click on the Green invite staff to sign.. button to search by name or position if email is unknown.


The signature box will turn gray if the staff was sent an invitation by name. 
Repeat this process for the Acknowledgements and Responsibilities document if applicable.

When all invitations have been entered or fulfilled, click on Send Invitation(s) / Submit Agreement at the bottom of the page. A confirmation will be displayed indicating how many signatures were gathered and how many invites were sent.

Documents are then automatically emailed to any email addresses chosen for a signature line. They will receive an email with the Click Here to Sign Invitation Link directing them to sign using their computer mouse, stylus pen or touchpad on their keyboard.


If the invitee to sign does not see the email, have them check Spam or Clutter- many email domains filter out these emails so they will need to mark them as "not spam" for future use as well.

9 out of 10 times, the missing email is in the Spam or Clutter of the intended recipent


Finalize the Process

Once all signatures have been gathers, the teacher will receive a Kick-back email alerting them to a pending document with a "Click here to Finalize" link.

Review the document for complete Signatures and click the Send Invitations(s) / Submit Agreement button at the bottom of the page.

The Document is now in your Archive Compliance pending your archiving team/administrator approval.

If the "Finalized" email is not received- have the Teacher check Spam or Clutter.  The process can also be completed from Signed Documents Compliance