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Local ID Questions CALPADS

CalPads made a change recently where their matching process in CalPads also looks at the Local ID coming from the SIS.  This presents an issue where there is potential for a Local ID to match an older student from the school.

 This ultimately causes the student to not be uploaded to CALPADS.

To circumvent this issue, we have created a way to Pre-Pend the local ID in the extract files.

*This is not required for every school, but for schools experiencing the issue where the local ID is causing the student to not be accepted in CalPads, they can follow the steps below.

  1. Right side of the page, 
    click “Set the prepended value for local ids sent up to CalPads”
  2. Choose what you want to prepend the local ID- for example in the screenshot below we chose “SP”. Click Save.                                  
  3. The extract files will now contain the prepended local ID in the files. This will allow schools to upload students who were causing an error in CalPads