
Student: Deleting Records

WARNING!!! Please only delete Student Records in special cases where retaining the data is inadvisable). In nearly all cases, simply removing a student's enrollment record and leaving the demographic record is perfectly appropriate, and is recommended for historical data purposes.

Admin»Student Info.» Find/Add Student
Search for the student and click on the student’s name. This will take you to the

Click on Enr tab

Click Edit button for the current enrollment

Scroll to the bottom of the page, type CONFIRM

Click Set Staff
Click Edit Record for the current staff assignment

Type in CONFIRM in the box and click on delete. Repeat the process if there are multiple
staff association records

Click Registration tab. Then choose the Family Information tab

Click  “remove” for any Family Information listed

Type in CONFIRM into the box  

Click Remove Parent.

  • Repeat process if there are multiple parent records

Scroll to the bottom of the demographics tab on the registration form,

type ‘CONFIRM’ into the box, and then

Click Delete Student & Records.

  •  If the student is successfully deleted, you will receive a message letting you know that
    the student was deleted successfully. If there are additional records attached to the student
    that need to be removed, a message will alert you to what records need to be removed prior to deleting the student. If you have any questions about these records, please do not hesitate to contact us.