
Zoom: Integration Basics

The School Pathways Zoom Integration works by capturing the participation in a Zoom meeting and transferring that information nightly to School Pathways’ Engagement Calendars


  • Paid Zoom Account (School cannot use the free zoom)
  • Teachers/Instructors must be under that account and have their own access using their school-issued email addresses
  • Students must log into their meetings with their school issued email address
  • If the schools have multiple scopes, there must be an Zoom admin user per scope
  • Unique Zoom meeting per Synchronous Calendar event- the meeting cannot be used for other meetings the same day. Ex: Some instructors how their Math Zoom class at 10am, then use the same meeting to hold office hours at 12. This can cause issues with pulling the data over correctly. 

Take a moment to go through the valuable information provided by Zoom.