PLS - Class Options

PLS: Admin Template Classes

PLS Templates can be used to mass generate PLS classes.

PLS Templates are a great way to simplify the Add Class process for your school.  Most common use case would be TK-8 where the students in a grade level are all enrolled in the same set of classes.
Ex: Language Arts-8, Science-8, Math-8, History-8... etc
With PLS Templates you create the shell of the class (and can even attach the curricula), enter the students into the template, and generate the classes.  This will create a PLS class for each subject for each student with their IS Teacher as the primary instructor.
Bonus! You can copy your templates year over year!

Create Your  PLS  Template Class 

PLS Templates are best housed under the Learning Center Tab (Classes, Schools, etc- name varies by school)

  • Each Learning Center can have it's own templates or you can pick one to contain them all

Navigation: Learning Centers>Learning Center of choice>PLS Templates (LC)

Click the Green Plus Icon

Class Info Tab: Fill out all relevant information

  • Course

Cannot use Aliases for the course name. Every template must have its own unique course in the master course list!

Ex: English 9 course with aliases of English 9A and English 9B.  You must instead have English 9A and English 9B as their own separate courses in the master course list.

  • Course Name
  • Is this a Credit or Weeks long class
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • School Track
  • Reg Window: Ensure this lines up with the windows you created

Instructor: A note on instructors. PLS Templates pull the IS Staff associated teacher as the primary instructor by default. Do not fill this in on the template.

However- you CAN use the add instructor to add an HQT or additional instructors on the class.

Curriculum Tab: This is a great opportunity to add the relevant curriculum to the template.  As the students PLS Classes are generated from the templates, it will add the curriculum(a) at the same time.

Course Override Tab: ensure that the settings on this page are as expected for the course you have chosen.

Location/Time Tab: Not relevant

Attendance Tab: Not relevant

All settings complete- Click Save


Enrolling Students Into Template Classes

With Templates created, you can now add students to the templates

Navigation: Learning Centers>Learning center of choice>PLS Templates (LC) 

Use the filter to narrow down your search results
Click Show Classes

Click Students In Template to add students
Click the Green Plus Arrow to view a list of students you can register
Use the filters to find students

Remember, if you are registering for NEXT school year, you must set the school year filter correctly, as well as the grade level.  Keep in mind that, for example, this year's 8th Graders are next years 9th graders.

Click Search
Place a Check Mark next to the students you want to register for the class
Click Register
Check to be sure the info on this next screen is correct
  • You can choose all Grade level appropriate classes for the students
Click Register Students

Note: The student is now in the the Template, but will not be in the class until you generate the class.

Click Generate 

Once there are "Classes under Template", you can no longer edit the PLS Template. You can however make a copy and delete the original (it will NOT delete the PLS Classes on the students)

Click Generate Class
Once it is complete you will see the next screen say Complete
Repeat for any templates

Filter PLS Classes to Show those Awaiting Generation

Go to Teachers>PLS/RW Oversight>PLS Templates
From the Hide Empty Classes drop down menu, select Yes.

Now you will only see PLS Templates that have Students awaiting class generation.

Mass Copy PLS Template Classes

Navigation: Learning Centers>Learning Center of Choice>PLS Templates (LC)
  • Use the filters to find the templates you want to copy.  Be specific!
  • It is best to copy classes with the same date ranges.
    • Example: Fall to Fall, Spring to Spring, FY to FY
    • Use the Registration Window filter to narrow your results
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and Click the Mass Copy Classes Button

  • From the list of all PLS Templates use the checkboxes to select the templates to copy over (if you accidentally picked up one you didn't want, leave unchecked)
  • Select the Learning Center you want to copy the templates to

    • Choose which Registration Window 
    • Enter the Date Range for classes. This will be applied to all classes in this copy.

    The top row allows you to make mass changes. Using the checkbox it will select all templates below it and allow you to use the top row to change attributes (such as Track) in mass.  

  • Make any necessary changes, click the Sel checkbox in the top row and click "Copy Classes"

Once you get a Green Confirmation you can navigate back to the Learning Centers>Learning Center of Choice> PLS Templates(LC). Set your filters for the school year and Registration window you just copied to, and review the results.