
Zoom: Admin Manually Pulling Meeting Information for Synchronous Instructions

Synchronous Instructions with Zoom Meetings attached will have the ability to pull meeting participant information for a specified date.

Note: This will require that a Zoom Admin account be linked to the school and have the necessary permissions to pull reports for a given Zoom Meeting. When viewing the Synchronous Instruction & Live Interaction page:


Take a moment to go through the valuable information provided by Zoom.


Zoom Connection:
Select the desired Synchronous Instruction for a given date on the Engagement Calendar provided
The list of instructions will update to show the students assigned, a date drop down, a “Zoom Sync” button, and a “Save” button
Specify a date and then click “Zoom Sync”. The SIS will then attempt to pull data from Zoom for the given date.
  1. A meeting must have taken place with more than one participant in order for Zoom to store the information.
  2. Zoom only stores this information for a certain amount of time (1 month) before older data is removed.
  3. The SIS will compare emails of the participants found with those assigned to the instruction. If a match is found, the SIS will update to indicate that they have attended the instruction.

Once completed and successful, refresh the page and select the date for the instruction again and you should see in the “Joined” column indicators for those found to have joined the meeting.

  • The students need to connect to zoom with an email that matches their student record otherwise we have no way to tell they joined, on the School Pathways Report.

The SIS will also run a nightly background job that will perform the same task for the current date.

Note: The report information that is being pulled from Zoom can only be viewed through Zoom's site if you have permission to view report information for Zoom Meetings. The SIS does not provide a view for this information is is only used to update our system internally.