Getting Started

Student Dashboard

The student dashboard contains a wealth of information pertaining to students. This information is housed in one, convenient location for quick access. Student Dashboard Related Tutorials:



TIP: Check out our Student Dashboard Icon Legend for detailed explanations of the various icons present on the Student Dashboard. Icons to the right of the student's picture indicate additional programs or information that are important to note.

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The student dashboard is organized into sections that can help you quickly assess information for a specific area related to a student. You can also easily navigate to each of these areas to access more detailed information by clicking on the Edit icon (pencil) for each area.

Additional access/function icons that are helpful to be aware of:

  • Printer Icon - Allows you to print information related to the designated section
  • Cog Wheel Icon - Allows you to customize the information you are viewing for the designated section
  • Drag Icon - Allows you to rearrange sections on the page to better meet your visual needs. 
  • Show All Box - Checking this box will expand the data that is viewable in that area to include all records instead of just current records. 
  • Expander Arrow - Clicking the Expand/Collapse arrow next the the section title will expand open that section or allow you to collapse it as needed.

Student Dashboard Customization

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  1. Click on the page element titled Options 
    -*(Not all users have access to this page by default. If you do not have access you will need to request this access or have a team member with access make the desired customizations)
  2. Choose the page policy tab. (This will show a list of policies directly related to that area in the SIS)
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  3. A list of customization options will be available. Set the policies as needed and click "Save Settings".